A Bunch Of Non Sense

That’s right, non sense, as in, a complete lack of sense.

I was browsing Twitter yesterday, exploring hashtags and generally nosing about the internet, looking for more people to follow, and new excuses to waste time online. As I was searching the tag StayAtHomeParent, I stumbled upon a few real gems of advice aimed at myself, and the rest of the SAH parents of the world. These were posted with the SAHP hashtag, so I think we can safely assume that they are aimed at people like myself.

“Your only job is to cook, clean, and watch your kids, your house should never be nasty”

Why thank you, college student with exactly 0 kids, I will take a guess, and say that you have never been at the helm of  a house full of kids, 24/7, while also acting as finance manager, sous chef, chauffeur, personal shopper, and home cleaning service. Most of us spend many, many hours cleaning our domiciles, but sometimes, we fall down on the job, or we simply get overwhelmed, give up for the day, and crack open a beer at 2PM.

“If you are going to be a stay at home parent, one of you better pull in six figures every year”

Wonderful words of financial wisdom, oh wise and powerful nineteen year old without kids. I guess that only the upper middle class should be able to engage in full time parenting. You better believe that plenty of upper range income families sit down and say “How can we trim our expenses? Oh, how about mom quits her job, then we can fire the full time nanny”

Yeah, I didn’t think so either.

 As parents, most of us love hearing any words of wisdom that could make our lives easier. But if all you can do is spew BS advice onto the interwebs, please, admit you know nothing of what you talk about.

So thank you, all of you advice giving, non parents out there, for showing us the error of our ways.

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