That Awkward Moment…

When you are trying to discreetly buy a pregnancy test without the guys behind you noticing.
No, that was not me, but it was this guy:

He held that pink box tightly between his phone and water bottle while we waited in a very slow cashier lane. He picked his moment carefully, only placing his items on the belt as the customer before him finished paying for her groceries.

I remember feeling out of place when buying feminine hygiene products, or pregnancy tests, but now, I buy diapers, wet wipes and baby butt cream. I am fully secure in my masculinity, and I know who *ahem* butters my bread at home.

And so I will buy those tampons with a smile, make sure those pads have wings, and verify that I have the lash extension, not lash volume, mascara in my shopping cart.

With my manpride intact.

Don’t worry, awkward pregnancy test buying guy, someday you will find your personal product buying Zen too.

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